YFS is looking for yachts visiting the Balearic Sea this summer and winter to study 32 species of shark, 27 rays and 1 chimera – all of which are facing extinction. The leading cause of this decline is overfishing. Most species are part of accidental bycatch and increased fishing targeting pelagic sharks. A boat supporting this project would be involved in 3 key aspects: the generation of remote-bated underwater video images through Bruvs, the extraction of environmental DNA through filtered water samples, and the marking of devil fishes with satellite marks. Shark Med’s objective is to generate sufficient scientific knowledge to promote the necessary changes that will reverse the current situation of these marine mammals. By offering your yachts to help these marine biologists carry out their research, you will have a direct impact on saving these incredible creatures from extinction. Contact Rosie@yachtsforscience.com to learn more.