Worldrise is opening applications for 3 new professional roles

Worldrise - We are hiring

To continue effectively conserving the Italian seas, Worldrise is opening applications for 3 new professional roles and is accepting spontaneous applications, enriching the team with people who believe in their mission and are excited to support the wave of change! Applications are open until August 31, 2024. The NGO is seeking a Fundraising Manager, a Project Manager for Worldrise’s biodiversity projects, and an Operations, Admin & Finance Manager. Discover all the details about these opportunities at this link and apply!

Worldrise launches its fourth SEATY – Local Marine Education Area!

Worldrise launches it's 4th Seaty - Local Marine Education Area

Worldrise launches its fourth SEATY – Local Marine Education Area! Thanks to the renewed collaboration with Fastweb, the last “marine city” has been established in Salina, Aeolian Islands (Sicily), in the municipality of Malfa, at Scario beach. Here, citizens and tourists can participate in free snorkeling tours every day, accompanied by a marine biologist. Additionally, they can follow the informative signage both in and out of the water, uncovering the secrets of SEATY Salina! Follow @worldrise_seaty to discover all the SEATYs and their sea of free activities!

Worldrise has opened applications for the Campus on Marine Protected Areas

Worldrise, the Campus on Marine Protected Areas

Worldrise has opened applications for the Campus on Marine Protected Areas, specifically designed for students and recent graduates in scientific disciplines who aspire to work in an MPA and learn all the secrets for its effective management. Until June 10th, you can apply for one of the 32 available scholarships, adding to the 108 previously awarded in past editions. This opportunity allows participants to join for free one of the four-week-long camps that will be held between September and October 2024 in Sardinia, Italy, within the context of the Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo MPA.
For more details and to apply, click HERE.

Worldrise is carrying on the project “Comunica(c)tion”

Worldrise is carrying on the project “Comunica(c)tion"

Worldrise is carrying on the project “Comunica(c)tion”, an empowering journey dedicated to environmental protection associations that are part of the 30×30 Italy alliance created by the NGO. Through 7 online modules, participants are guided through a strengthening path focused on collaborative leadership and communication techniques to contribute to protecting at least 30% of Italian seas by 2030. In the coming months, on Worldrise’s social channels, it will be possible to learn more about the project’s outcomes.

Worldrise, in collaboration with “Il Politecnico Argonauti”, organised in Olbia (SS), Sardinia, “Cinema for the Sea”

Worldrise, Cinema For The Sea

Worldrise, in collaboration with “Il Politecnico Argonauti”, organised in Olbia (SS), Sardinia, “Cinema for the Sea”, a cycle of video projections to promote the conservation of 30% of the sea by 2030. This consisted of 6 meetings, open to the public and free to participate in, inviting them to dive into the Blue Planet through cinema together with some special guests, discovering the wonders and fragility of the sea. The first two meetings, focused on nature, local culture and valorisation of the territory, were a success, with many enthusiastic participants. The events will continue every Thursday until April 26th, concluding with a special evening entirely dedicated to the youngest.

Worldrise, as part of the “SEATY” project, continues to organize events

Worldrise Seaty Project

Worldrise, as part of the “SEATY” project, continues to organize events aimed at raising awareness about the importance of the sea and its wonders. Recently, in the Local Marine Conservation Area SEATY of Golfo Aranci, Sardinia, a presentation event and botanical walk were held to explore the flora that enriches the terrestrial portion of SEATY, promoting the protection of a stretch of sea and coast of significant natural value. The events to discover nature within this SEATY and the other two established in Sardinia and Sicily will resume in full swing in the coming months. Follow @seaty_life to discover all the activities on the calendar.

Worldrise’s commitment to marine conservation extends to the field of art

Worldrise's commitment to marine conservation extends to the field of art

Worldrise‘s commitment to marine conservation extends to the field of art as well. Thanks to a collaboration with the Italian photographer Filipe Casiraghi, the non-profit organization adds a new artwork to the Ars Maris charity art exhibition, which amplifies the voice of the ocean. “The Last Wave” is a stunning photograph, created with a sustainable process and printed only on request. It shows our profound relationship with the sea, on a journey of discovery and respect towards the Blue Planet. Click HERE to learn how to support through art Worldrise’s projects for the protection of the ocean.

2023 was a truly special year for Worldrise

Worldrise 2023

2023 was a truly special year for Worldrise, full of activities for the conservation and enhancement of the sea. The team created new SEATYs in Sardinia and Sicily, establishing 184,170 m2 of Local Marine Conservation and Education Areas, recovered 300 kg of ghost nets from the seabed, travelled over 3000 nautical miles to monitor the dolphins that populate the waters of Golfo Aranci and collected over 2000 kg of waste with clean ups on the beach and in the city. Furthermore, Worldrise’s team involved 1100 children in educational activities, provided 8 scholarships for the future custodians of the Mediterranean Sea and promoted the creation of 2 new smog-absorbing murals, all reaching over 32,000 users via social platforms. Learn more HERE.

Worldrise Onlus celebrates 10 years with the sea

Worldrise Onlus celebrates 10 years with the sea poster

After months of online celebrations, Worldrise Onlus celebrated its 10 years of activity for the protection of the sea with a moment of sharing and conviviality in Milan, Italy! The night, enriched by a sustainable DJ set, was the perfect opportunity to sincerely thank all the Ocean Positive People, including volunteers, partners and journalists, who in these 10 years have supported the association and its numerous projects for the protection and enhancement of the Blue Planet. Every drop counts and only together it will be possible to continue to make a huge difference for the sea!

Artist Pongo 3D and Gucci’s street artwork, entitled “Under the Sea”

Street artwork, entitled "Under the Sea"

Worldrise Onlus, thanks to the precious support of the artist Pongo 3D and Gucci, brought the sea to Milan, creating a 3D smog-absorbing mural that represents plastic pollution in the sea, going beyond simple visual perception. The street artwork, entitled “Under the Sea”, can be observed without glasses with 3D filters or with the help of red and blue lenses to immerse yourself totally in its waves. Together with the 28 murals already created by Worldrise as part of the Worldrise Walls project, “Under the Sea” contributes to absorbing as much city smog as 628 square meters of forest would do.